Since some people are thinking of my name (Pantee) as something weird and strange, I am adding
this few lines to tell you what it means and make you sure that it has got nothing to do with the pants
or underwears(!!!!!!?!!!!!!!):

Well, it's an ancient Persian name meaning humble and generous and Pantee herself was the wife of one
of Cyrus the Great's commanders by the name of Aryasb(=owner of the Aryan Horses). Ahem! I'm really proud of my name.
I am told it's the persian form of the bame in Greek (Panteh-A as we pronounce in Persian and most of the girls are
named so and I'm the only one to be named Pantee seemingly!) and this word, as I read in a book about mythology is
derived from the word Pan who in ancient Greek mythology is a half animal, half human god who protects lands, trees and

Enough for history and mythology, go and start up your engines captains and please stop emailng me about my name as what you have thought it means.